Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter everyone!!  Hope you had a lovely holiday and a yummy feast!  Hubby dearest cooked up an amazing turkey bird, and I had to put up with the tantalizing aroma all day whilst I sewed up Little Ladies.  It was torturous, I tell you!  My dear Nannykins came up to join us, she's 92, but absolutely loves John's cooking and will stay awake long enough to have a special dinner with us, then it's off to her comfy chair for a nap.  We love having her live in the same building, and I usually have lunch with her during the week and the kids see her as often as possible.

Anyway, the Little Ladies are ready!  I thought I'd share the next step, the one I really wish some elves or fairies would do while I sleep:)  Attatching arms and legs is my least favourite part, same with stuffing - lets face it, it's sooooooo boring!  Not like embroidering the faces, or attatching the hair, which I absolutely love!

What do you think?  They're all lined up for their hair cuts!  I had to take this pic tonight, so the lighting doesn't do them any justice.  Tomorrow, I'll start their little outfits, another favourite part of the process, and I just can't wait to see how sweet they're going to look when they're done!!

●✿Free Pattern - Owl Ornament✿●

Hello there!  It's been so long since my last post that I actually couldn't figure out how to get into my Blogger account!  It's...