I've been working on a new Paper Doll Set and have a few more outfits to colour before she'll be ready. Here's a sneak peek so far...
My plan is to make a little book which will be similar to my colouring book which you can see
here. The cover will be made with a sturdy, heavy weight Bristol paper and will be printed with the paper doll itself. I'm not sure yet whether she'll be on the front or back cover as I might do a little pic of her on the front dressed in an outfit. The pages on the inside will contain all the dresses and accessories that I've chosen from the ones above and will be printed on medium weight, acid free drawing paper. I'm looking forward to finishing them up and having them ready for my shop by the weekend.

For those of you who've been following the story of our sweet Little Miss, thank you all for your thoughts and prayers! We had to take her back in to the vet's on Monday night as her incision had opened up and they ended up having to re-stitch her. Today, I noticed a hard lump running along the entire right side of the incision about as thick as my little finger. So, once hubby gets home, we'll be taking her back in to make sure it's not something serious. I must say that she is looking good, eating well and is as pert and playful as ever, so hopefully everything will be fine!
Enjoy the rest of your week:)