You will need:
: Felt - I chose hand woven felt, but any will do,
: Embroidery thread,
: Seed beads
: Snap
Download the pattern pieces below and cut out one Needle Book Cover, one Needle Book Page, an Outer Petal and an Inner Petal.
Blanket stitch around edges of the cover and pages. If you like, use a contrasting thread.
To make the flower, fold outer petal in half and, using a double strand of embroidery thread, take a few tight stitches right in the centre of the fold. This will create a little pucker in the middle once open. End off thread at the back.
Do the same with the inner petal, and bring the thread up through the centre.
Lay the outer petal behind the inner petal and attach seed beads to the centre, making sure to take the needle through both layers of felt. Leave a length of thread at the back for later. This will be used to attach the flower to the flap that closes the needle book.
Place the 'page' onto the wrong side of the needle book cover - right side up.
Fold in half and line up the pages and edges of the cover.
Thread a long needle with a double strand of embroidery thread and insert on the inside of the cover, about half an inch below the top edge of the cover and blanket stitch the spine of the book, going through all layers of felt. End off on the inside of the cover. This will ensure that the beginning and end of the thread will not be seen once the book is open.
Sew male side of the snap to the inner flap of the needle book cover.

Sew on the felt flower using tiny stitches to attach it to the top layer of the felt. Try not to let your stitches show underneath. It looks neater this way:)
Sew on the female snap as shown.
Now all you have to do is add some needles and pins and your little book is complete! Hope you enjoyed this project!
Click Here to download/print the pattern pcs.
Click Here to download/print the pattern pcs.