Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Sweet Pea and Chester
Chester's job at the Sweet Stuffling Circus is to show people to their seats and make sure they're comfortable while Sweet Pea sells candy floss and giant lollypops during the interval. However, once the lights have dimmed and the show's begun, they may be found stealing kisses or sharing a bright, swirly wirly lolly!
Sweet Pea is made from hand dyed felt. I chose the pale pink and blue to make you think of cotton candy. She wears a beaded crown and tutu and measures about 4 inches seated.
I wanted Chester to compliment Sweet Pea's colouring so he is made from the same pale blue felt and a lovely houndstooth moss green felt. He wears a beaded top hat and waistcoat and measures about 4.5 inches tall seated.
Both Chester and Sweet Pea are looking for new homes and are available in my shop today.
●✿Free Pattern - Owl Ornament✿●
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