Sunday, November 28, 2010
CYBER MONDAY SALE!! 10% off EVERYTHING in my shop!!
I'm having a SALE!! Please pop in for a visit and get 10% off everything in my shop on Monday, 29th November 2010!
I just finished up a new Petite Poppet. Peach is her name and she has hand painted features with a sprinkling of sweet little freckles. Her hair is made from an organic wool and she wears a cotton dress, edged in embroidered lace. Tiny embroidered felt shoes and a hand knitted cardigan complete her outfit.
Of course, there are other goodies available too, so don't waste any time, come and take a peek:)
●✿Free Pattern - Owl Ornament✿●
Hello there! It's been so long since my last post that I actually couldn't figure out how to get into my Blogger account! It's...

Oh I'm so excited to be announcing this Giveaway!! For the past few weeks, I've spent countless hours perfecting my next pattern - ...
Hello lovelies! I have a bit of a surprise for you all - actually, it's really an early Christmas pressie for those of you who love to ...