I'd like to introduce you to Rowan. She is the end result of the little Damsel Doll I started on Friday. I think the green hair suits her eyes better, and I like the way it compliments the blue-green of her blouse. I've hand stitched all her clothing directly onto her body, and drew on little 'shoes' with pencil crayons. This Damsel Doll will be the first of many to come, I absolutely loved making her and can't wait to start another one! Will have to put it off for a while though as I've GOT to finish off the rest of the Little Ladies before next weekend. I'm hoping to have them all listed, as well as some new dress-up apparel, by then. Cross your fingers, please!! Please take a look at my flickr: http://www.flickr.com/photos/gingermelon/ for more pic's of Rowan.
Sunday, April 25, 2010
I'd like to introduce you to Rowan. She is the end result of the little Damsel Doll I started on Friday. I think the green hair suits her eyes better, and I like the way it compliments the blue-green of her blouse. I've hand stitched all her clothing directly onto her body, and drew on little 'shoes' with pencil crayons. This Damsel Doll will be the first of many to come, I absolutely loved making her and can't wait to start another one! Will have to put it off for a while though as I've GOT to finish off the rest of the Little Ladies before next weekend. I'm hoping to have them all listed, as well as some new dress-up apparel, by then. Cross your fingers, please!! Please take a look at my flickr: http://www.flickr.com/photos/gingermelon/ for more pic's of Rowan.
●✿Free Pattern - Owl Ornament✿●
Hello there! It's been so long since my last post that I actually couldn't figure out how to get into my Blogger account! It's...

Oh I'm so excited to be announcing this Giveaway!! For the past few weeks, I've spent countless hours perfecting my next pattern - ...
Hello lovelies! I have a bit of a surprise for you all - actually, it's really an early Christmas pressie for those of you who love to ...