Thursday, April 29, 2010
Four Little Ladies and an Anime Kitten
Hello! I've been super busy this week trying to get the new Little Ladies ready for my shop. They're comming along nicely, and should be ready for the weekend. I decided to try some new yarn I got from a lovely lady on Etsy. It's an orgainc merino wool that is super soft, and the colours are beautiful! As you can see, the girls have not yet had their hair cut. I think I'm going to leave the dark red headed girl's hair long, and I haven't decided what styles to give the other three. Mom has been a busy bee too, knitting hoodies, berets and cardigans, and she has also whipped up a few skirts and blouses. She even made a little night dress with a mop cap! Our shelves are going to be full again!
A friend of mine celebrated her birthday this week, so I made up a dear little Anime Siamese Kitten for her. I appliqued a little heart with rosy fabric on her chest, and added a green ribbon and a tiny bell around her neck. To finish her off, I made a little flower hair ornament with a green glass bead at the centre. Her name is Rose.
If you'd like to see more pic's of these little girls, please have a look at my flickr. I'll be adding more as I go along.
Sunday, April 25, 2010
I'd like to introduce you to Rowan. She is the end result of the little Damsel Doll I started on Friday. I think the green hair suits her eyes better, and I like the way it compliments the blue-green of her blouse. I've hand stitched all her clothing directly onto her body, and drew on little 'shoes' with pencil crayons. This Damsel Doll will be the first of many to come, I absolutely loved making her and can't wait to start another one! Will have to put it off for a while though as I've GOT to finish off the rest of the Little Ladies before next weekend. I'm hoping to have them all listed, as well as some new dress-up apparel, by then. Cross your fingers, please!! Please take a look at my flickr: for more pic's of Rowan.
Saturday, April 24, 2010
A new lady unfolds...
I am very excited to share a new project I'm working on. I was merrily stitching away at some Little Lady faces and while I love doing them, I was getting a tad bored at the monotony of doing a thousand stitches. My mind does not do well with monotony for too long, and try as I might to concentrate on the task at hand, it kept conjuring up images of another doll - one with bendy arms and legs. Well, I just had to put pencil to paper, and after a few attempts, I came up with a new pattern.
This lady is a bit more delicate, a young woman ready to make her mark on the world. I think she's ok for a first attempt, and I already know where I'll be tweaking the pattern for the next one! I'm still trying out 'hairstyles' on her, not sure if I like this colour though?
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Wednesday Woes

I've been having a heck of a time getting stuff done this week! And not for lack of trying. We had a lovely weekend full of family get togethers and the rest of the week has gone by in a blur. Seriously, I can't recall what I've been doing, but it hasn't been very productive! Anyhow, I thought I'd share what I have done so far - I actually managed to get one Little Lady completely sewn up, she's bald, but at least she's somewhat ready. The two above should be ready to sew up and stuff by tomorrow afternoon. I was really hoping to have six dolls in my shop by the weekend, but at this rate, there might be three if I'm lucky!
Have to take Nannykins for a blood test in the morning and who knows how long we'll be stuck waiting for that to be over and done with. Usually there's such a long wait, but I'm going to take her out for tea and cake when we're done, so at least there'll be something nice for her to look forward to!
I had two lovely surprises in the post this week, well they weren't really a surprise because I was expecting them! The first was a custom fabric tape with my shop name printed on it from a very talented lady in France. I absolutely love it! What an awesome job she did! The next was my very first doll - she comes from Belguim and was custom made just for me. I just love her too! My hubby doesn't know it yet, but I think that's going to be the first of MANY!

Thursday, April 15, 2010
Sparky loves early walks in the crisp spring air. He's donned his favourite scarf and hat and is heading out the door. He is made from an incredibly soft, blue and green hand woven felt, and I accented his grey hat and scarf with bright orange thread.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Bamboodle and Lola
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Sneak Peak....
Daphne, Faye and Vivienne

Custom Dolls Week!
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Please meet Ava! She's the first of the new Little Ladies, and I thought I'd share her with you. She is part of a very special custom order for a lovely lady who has been waiting very patiently for her two new girls! As soon as her little sister is ready, I'll post a pic of her too!
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Happy Easter!
Friday, April 2, 2010
Little Ladies
The Little Ladies are taking over...... and pretty soon, there'll be nowhere to have dinner, no place to sit and no end of fabric, floss, stuffing and yarn taking up all those areas in my house! When I have a batch of new dolls on the go, all normality is thrown out the window. And the kids are quite happy to abandon the dining room table in favour of laps in front of the TV!
Two of these Little Ladies are part of a custom order that I'm doing for a certain lovely lady! As I go along, I will add more pic's of their progress, so you can see how they evolve. It's quite exciting to see how each one turns out in the end!
Stay tuned for the next step in their making:)
●✿Free Pattern - Owl Ornament✿●
Hello there! It's been so long since my last post that I actually couldn't figure out how to get into my Blogger account! It's...

Oh I'm so excited to be announcing this Giveaway!! For the past few weeks, I've spent countless hours perfecting my next pattern - ...
Hello lovelies! I have a bit of a surprise for you all - actually, it's really an early Christmas pressie for those of you who love to ...