Dear friends, I hope you're all finding time to kick up your toes and relax during this busy holiday season!
Just wanted to share a new little felt doll that I've been working on. She's a little Woodland Elf that has really been a wonderful experience to make!

She is the first bead-jointed felt doll I've attempted and she measures about 9.5 inches tall. I've made her a sweet little tunic dress, a beaded crown and a pair of fold over boots which I've embellished with beaded, embroidered flowers.
Unfortunately, the weather has not been co-operating with my picture taking, so the pics aren't as clear as I would've liked.
Oh dear, I just noticed that I've forgotten to blush her cheeks - must remember to do that before I get her ready for my shop!
This pic, however turned out very well as we were having a brighter day when I took it:) I am definitely planning on working to make this pattern available in my shop soon. It is a little more advanced than my other doll patterns, though not too hard to do. As with all my designs, it will be hand illustrated and explained as best as I can to make it simple to create. It will require some embroidery experience, needle felting and imagination - the possibilities are endless!
As soon as the pattern is ready I'll be having another GIVEAWAY!! So please check back and make sure to enter for your chance of winning one!
Have a happy week:)