Here's what they look like...
Once the supplies get here and I've put all the kits together, it'll be time for another give away and the winner will get to pick which Tag-Along kit they'd like to make. Hope you'll all enter for that!
This week, I started working on a few new designs that I came up with while we were away on holidays. These are the Halloweenies...

On the left is the first set I made. Mabeline the witch, Ms Batticus and Baby Boo. The second set on the right include Ozzy the bat, Winnie, Minnie and Whispy. Unfortunately I've completely run out of the white and black felt as well as the pale green I used for the witches faces. Got to wait for more to come in the mail:( I just hate it when I'm having fun with a project and then I run out of something that I just can't go to the store for! Oh well, it'll give me time to write up the patterns for them!
Here's a little peek at the baldies:)
Tomorrow is a very special day! It's my Nannykins' 94th birthday and we're having a big party for her! She'll be in for a real treat and I can't wait to share the day with her! Hope you all have a good one too:)