Little Miss wanted to meet you all and sat so prettily for her picture. (She's usually so busy playing and I can never get a good shot of her sitting still!)
For my next project, I am making little kits geared toward children who would like to learn how to sew. These will include a very easy pattern of an animal or doll, the felt to make it with, the safety eyes and a bit of seam binding to make a bow around the neck. The felt I've chosen is a wool blend from Renae, the owner of the shop, has a wonderful selection of colours and her prices are fabulous! Perfect for beginners and so lovely to sew with! I'm hoping that once a child has made up the animal or doll in the kit, they'll want to make another!
As you can see, I have all the pieces cut out and most of the faces are ready. Most of them require a basic applique stitch for attaching eye pads and snouts and then everything will be sewn together with a whip stitch. Easy Peasy!! Will keep you posted on them as they evolve.
Here's a few pics from our trip.
That's me paddling at Cultus Lake.
John making faces in the hot tub:)
Jody on the left and Dylan underwater. I can't believe how much our kids have grown!
The two of them when they were little! Again, Jody on the left, Dylan on the right.
Have a fabulous week:)