Saturday, May 29, 2010
Shop Update!!
They're ready!! Romeo and Jerome spent the morning patiently waiting while I added their finishing touches! For Romeo, I made a tiny bouquet of roses, wrapped them in brown paper and embelished it with embroidery thread and a light dusting of glitter. I then sewed a little ruffle collar around Jerome's neck and beaded it with tiny mandarin orange glass beads. He's holding a teeny present, made with Japanese felt and embroidery thread. They both measure about 3.5 inches tall. I decided to play around with my original pattern when I made Jerome, mostly re-configuring the head, and I'm quite happy with the results. I kinda like that little squished head look! Hope you like them:) Available in my etsy store now.
A while ago, I participated in my very first doll swap with a lovely lady in England. We each made a doll and sent them off to each other in the mail. Well, yesturday, Emily arrived in the post and she is lovely! You can visit Lo's blog here: I quite like the idea of doing another one in the future, so if any of you are interested, please let me know.
Hope you all have a very relaxing weekend!
●✿Free Pattern - Owl Ornament✿●
Hello there! It's been so long since my last post that I actually couldn't figure out how to get into my Blogger account! It's...

Oh I'm so excited to be announcing this Giveaway!! For the past few weeks, I've spent countless hours perfecting my next pattern - ...
Hello lovelies! I have a bit of a surprise for you all - actually, it's really an early Christmas pressie for those of you who love to ...